WHO 한국 보건의료시템평가 순위 58위
보건의료 |
2008. 2. 21. 18:54
2000년 WHO보고서에 보건의료시스템을 평가했는데 한국이 58위라는 군요.
평가의 기준은 다음과 같습니다.
WHO’s assessment system was based on five indicators:
overall level of population health; 국민의 건강상태 health inequalities (or disparities) within the population; 건강의 불평등상태 overall level of health system responsiveness (a combination of patient satisfaction and how well the system acts); 의료체계가 국민에게 얼마나 만족을 주는가와 잘 작동되는가 distribution of responsiveness within the population (how well people of varying economic status find that they are served by the health system); 의료체계의 접근성. distribution of the health system’s financial burden within the population (who pays the costs) 재정부담이 많은가 국민들의 직접부담이 더 많은가 여부
지금은 많이 나아졌을까요? 노무현정부들어서 보장성이 강화되면서 상당한 순위상승을 예상해보지만...
1 France 2 Italy 3 San Marino 4 Andorra 5 Malta 6 Singapore 7 Spain 8 Oman 9 Austria 10 Japan 11 Norway 12 Portugal 13 Monaco 14 Greece 15 Iceland 16 Luxembourg 17 Netherlands 18 United Kingdom 19 Ireland 20 Switzerland 21 Belgium 22 Colombia 23 Sweden 24 Cyprus 25 Germany 26 Saudi Arabia 27 United Arab Emirates 28 Israel 29 Morocco 30 Canada 31 Finland 32 Australia 33 Chile 34 Denmark 35 Dominica 36 Costa Rica 37 United States of America 38 Slovenia 39 Cuba 40 Brunei 41 New Zealand 42 Bahrain 43 Croatia 44 Qatar 45 Kuwait 46 Barbados 47 Thailand 48 Czech Republic 49 Malaysia 50 Poland 51 Dominican Republic 52 Tunisia 53 Jamaica 54 Venezuela 55 Albania 56 Seychelles 57 Paraguay 58 South Korea 59 Senegal 60 Philippines 61 Mexico 62 Slovakia 63 Egypt 64 Kazakhstan 65 Uruguay 66 Hungary 67 Trinidad and Tobago 68 Saint Lucia 69 Belize 70 Turkey 71 Nicaragua 72 Belarus 73 Lithuania 74 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 75 Argentina 76 Sri Lanka 77 Estonia 78 Guatemala 79 Ukraine 80 Solomon Islands 81 Algeria 82 Palau 83 Jordan 84 Mauritius 85 Grenada 86 Antigua and Barbuda 87 Libya 88 Bangladesh 89 Macedonia 90 Bosnia-Herzegovina 91 Lebanon 92 Indonesia 93 Iran 94 Bahamas 95 Panama 96 Fiji 97 Benin 98 Nauru 99 Romania 100 Saint Kitts and Nevis
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